Here are our calendar designs. Parents and family can have a look during the holidays ready to make any orders in the first week back in Term 4. You can order these as a calendar $10, a set of 8 cards $10, or a diary $15. Great Christmas presents!
The 2012 Room 5 class has 26 Year 3 and 4 students. We aim to set the world on fire so stay tuned and let us know what you think!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Exciting Science Learning
Here are some photos of our recent Lotions and Potions visit to the museum. Please check out the new link on the side bar called 'Numeracy NZ maths' -this takes you to a page with number activities to do at home with Mum / Dad or brothers and sisters. Once you get to the site -click on stage 5 or 6. Also have added another interactive 'maths games' link for those of you who would rather play interactive games to practise your multiplication or fractions - heaps to choose from!
Science on PhotoPeach
Science on PhotoPeach
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Our Gorgeous Ceroc Dancers!
Year 5 and 6 children on their performance night last Friday. Best dips ever! Leave us your wonderful comments.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ceroc -Week 7 - Polishing for Performance
This week as part of your home learning - leave a comment either on here or your own personal blog to share what you are feeling proud about in your learning at Ceroc. What move have you mastered - it may have been tricky at first ...but now you feel more confident.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Ceroc Dance - home learning question in this photo slide...
Learning Ceroc (homelearning question in this slide of photos...) please leave a comment on this blogspot at the bottom of this post- ignore the 'photopeach'request for a comment at the end of the slide. Thanks.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Room 5 Poets...

In our first attempt this week, we have been learning about nouns (naming words) and verbs (doing /action words) and creating our own poems about sports and places we love. You can read these on our Super Author Page - if you would like to leave a comment about any of our poems, please navigate back to this post and click on 'comment'. We have also started to create poetry using the 'Diamante' form where we have to know about adjectives (describing words) also. We are all very proud of our poems!
Mrs MB has added a poetry site link to explore other forms of poetry for the children who really are enjoying being poets and would like to find out more. Please have a look and bring any poems you write at home to school to share with others.
We love reading your comments and are trying to encourage a comment from every family this week!
Room 5 are also launching into a new action project this term ...we (the children of Room 5) have set a goal of fundraising to buy some net books (little laptops) for our classroom . We've had lots of ideas of what to do to raise the money and the one we've decided on doing this term is a Room 5 'mini fair'. Each focus group is going to take charge of putting together a stall. More info soon ....
Signing off R5 and Mrs MB
Thursday, May 5, 2011
In A Book
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to a term full of engaging and exciting learning. We have ripped into the term with a big focus on knowing our 'learning intentions' or W.A.L.Ts (We are Learning to...) and 'success criteria' - how we will know we have achieved - or what this will look like.
The children ar
e all making tremendous progress in their knowledge and recall of basic facts and are enjoying moving onto new sets once they have met the success criteria of 'getting them all right' and 'answering quickly' - as fast as light'ning!
On our links for learning in the side bar you will find a new site we have started to explore that is based on the important skills and strategies we need to 'understand' what we are reading. The

site includes examples and 'online' reading to put these skills to practise.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Swimming Update
Room 5 has been swimming. So far we have been doing back stroke,free style, how long we can hold our breath for. I have been holding my breath for 20 seconds!!!! We also had a lot of good behaviour and lots of good compliments. We also had lots of fun on the dive bords and lots more people are more confident and jumped off the ten metre diving board YAY!!!! From Lynley and Sarah
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fundraiser Update
So far Room 5's amazing original art has raised $159.50. Thanks so much for all those who have bid :-) We still have 7 more paintings to put up for auction ....once Mrs MBs Trade Me account is topped up! Tomorrow we will be listing Bethany, Grason, Salani and Cameron's wonderful pieces.
Also a reminder tomorrow (Friday) is Gold Star PJ,Popcorn, Wheels and Games Day! If you are a Gold Star (everyone this week!! yay!) wear your PJ's bring a game from home, wheels and a helmet if you want to have a spin on the court
and Mrs MB will provide the popcorn. Here are some photos from our last Gold Star PJ Day.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Gold Star Celebration Treat & Christchurch Art Fundraiser...
For the Gold Star treat we graphed what we wanted to do for gold stars and the favourite is pj and popcorn day (and wheels if you have some and are really keen) . So if you're a gold star be sure to wear your pjs 2 moro (Tues 14 /3) Mrs M B will bring the popcorn. If you bring your wheels remember to bring your helmet as well.
from Bella
Christchurch Earthquake Art Fundraiser
Room 5 has put into action their brilliant idea of raising money for the people of Christchurch by creating original art about the quake and putting it on Trade Me for auction. All money recieved will be given to an aid agency (Salvation Army or Red Cross) to help where we can.
Today the following childrens art has been put up on Trade Me
Natasha - Bricks Bouncing Like Madness Start price $5.50
Jayden - A Terrified Day Start price $ 2.00
Reyana - Shattering Earth Start price $8.00
Lynley - The Angry Earth Start price $ 8.00
Friday, March 4, 2011
We have the POWER!
We have the POWER to make a difference! We have the power ...
- to learn
- to choose our own pathways
- to make our own decisions
- to help others
We have been brainstorming ways we can help the people of Canterbury. Last Friday our whole school dressed in red and black and brought lots of items that we hope will be useful. This week we have been busy putting into action one of the ideas we brainstormed as a class to do some earthquake pictures to auction to raise money. We are thinking we might put some of them on Trade Me to see how much money we can raise. Here are some of our response art to the earthquake...
Keep an eye out for more art. Next week we will be creating abstract art based on colours / moods - smooth and calm verses chaotic and rough.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Focus Groups...
Check out our new pages on the tab above!
We have formed focus groups for action projects about things that matter to us. We have the POWER to make a difference! Our first projects are based around last weeks RESPECT value of taking care of our environment. Each team took a focus area to make a difference to and will continue to look after and develop it over the year.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Welcome to the Room 5 Revamped Blog!
This has been a project that was inspired by feedback we received at our Parent / Teacher Night...
The children and I have been discussing who our blog is for? who uses it? and for what reasons? We found out that many of us don't look at the blog again after we have posted our learning up! Over the last week we've been checking in with a few blogs from other schools - looking at their layouts and what sort of info is posted up on them.
As a class we have decided to have a change of look and make our blog more 'user friendly' and informative.
This has been a project that was inspired by feedback we received at our Parent / Teacher Night...
The children and I have been discussing who our blog is for? who uses it? and for what reasons? We found out that many of us don't look at the blog again after we have posted our learning up! Over the last week we've been checking in with a few blogs from other schools - looking at their layouts and what sort of info is posted up on them.
As a class we have decided to have a change of look and make our blog more 'user friendly' and informative.
The 'look' and layout may change again and new things will be added as we trial out first attempt and reflect on how it looks and how it is going.
Let us know what you think!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Room 5 2011

On Tuesday we had our photos taken. We printed out our face and we cut it in half. What we did was out of the halves we had to choose what one we wanted to use for drawing. We looked at which side had the most light and dark.Before we did the other half of our face we had to explore with some charcoal to see how it smudges and how we can show the light and the dark.The next step was to get a bit of paper and glue our half face on the piece of paper then we drew the other half of the face.
Taylor and Reyana would like to show you their pictures try to find out who it is.
We put waht we wonder and hope will happen this year. We have started to share our ideas of what we want to have in our class and have started drawing up plans.
By Reyana and Taylor & Mrs MB
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