Friday, November 23, 2012

Early Christmas at the Art Gallery

Our trip to the art gallery focused on the big question we've been looking at here at school...

                      "How do we tell our stories?"

Friday, November 9, 2012


The remaining calendars are now finished and can be viewed below.  An order form has come home with your child today that details the prices if you wish to purchase either a calendar, diary or set of cards for Christmas presents.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


We have so much we want to share with you but we can't because it is top secret until the Art Exhibition!!!  We can tell you though that we have had an absolutely fabulous week creating with our artist of the week Ange Spears (a.k.a the lady that painted the library mural).

We have also been busy creating our Calendars for our end of year school fundraiser.  We think these are looking pretty flash and would make great Christmas presents for family.  Shortly the school will send home details on how to order etc but we those of us who are finished thought we would give you a sneak preview...


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