Monday, December 6, 2010

Otakou Marae Visit

Room 5 & 6 are off to the Otakou Marae on Thursday December 9.  We were interested to  find out 'how is a marae is built?' 'What do the different carvings mean?' 'How do you do carvings?' and 'what happens on a marae?'  Some of us also wanted to find out how to do weaving with flax.

When you go to a marae you need to be welcomed on - this ceremony is called a powhiri.  We have been finding out about the different parts of a powhiri and what order you need to do them in.  We have found out there are rules 'protocol' to follow when you go to a marae.

As part of the powhiri we are the manuhiri -the visitors.  We have been practising waiata - songs that can be sung to support our speaker when he makes his whaikorero.

Two waiata we will be singing on Thursday...

Te Aroha  - the love
Te Whakapono - the faith
Te rangimarie - the peace
tatou tatou e - be with us all

E toru nga mea
Nga mea nu nui
E ki ana
Te paipera
Ko te mea nui
Ko te aroha

There are three things
 very important things
as stated in the bible
Hope, faith, and the greatest thing - charity / love

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