Welcome back to a term full of engaging and exciting learning. We have ripped into the term with a big focus on knowing our 'learning intentions' or W.A.L.Ts (We are Learning to...) and 'success criteria' - how we will know we have achieved - or what this will look like.
The children ar
e all making tremendous progress in their knowledge and recall of basic facts and are enjoying moving onto new sets once they have met the success criteria of 'getting them all right' and 'answering quickly' - as fast as light'ning!
On our links for learning in the side bar you will find a new site we have started to explore that is based on the important skills and strategies we need to 'understand' what we are reading. The

site includes examples and 'online' reading to put these skills to practise.
Hello people of room 5! Hope you all have had a great first week back, remember for those playing miniball practice is lunchtimes Friday 1pm up on the courts! See you there :)
I enjoyed reading about your 'learning intentions' and W.A.L.Ts - great stuff Room 5!
ReplyDeleteMs. D