The rules we made up are:
1) Levels 2, 3's and 4's allowed (level 0 & 1 aren't responsible enough)
2) No sillyness
3) Nor ripping stuff
4) Board Games are allowed
5) Drawing is allowed
6) You need to pack up after yourself
7) Please whisper
Our class was excited that the cave was opening. We had a special ceremony. I asked some people what they thought...
Sarah says "The cave is cool because it is dark."
Shyan says " The bats are cool on the cave."
Katelyn says "The cave entry is cool and crackly."
Mya says "The cave is awesome. It is so dark that's why it is cool."
Natasha says "The cave has lots of space, the cave is a nice place to hang."
Bethany says "The cave is a nice place."
I think the cave rocks!
by Bella
Wow Room 5 ... I had a look at your cave this morning and was impressed. I reckon I must be at least a level 3, so perhaps I can get to sit in there one morning! Just make sure I leave before the bell - it looks so peaceful I may not want to leave!!